White Water for Grown Ups!

by Ian Tokelove
Kayakers at Lee Valley

Kayakers at Lee Valley

Barbara Pigden is a L2 coach at Edmonton Canoe Group who is hoping to set up a mid-week, daytime paddling session for mature (aged 50 and over) paddlers on Lee Valley’s Legacy course.

Barbara has volunteered to canvas support for this project amongst the mature paddlers of the London region and is hoping to get responses to the following questions.

Would you be interested in a regular Legacy session for mature paddlers:

1. During the day?

2. During the week?

3. To be coached?

4. To have bank support?

5. To have restricted numbers?-less than 30?, less than 20? i.e. less busy!

6. To be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly?

7. To have an exclusive training course for, say, 6 weeks?

8. To have lower flow rate (if possible), quieter ?

9. How much would you be willing to pay per coached hour £10? £15?

10. Any other thoughts, queries, etc regarding this session?

Barbara points out that the reason she has pitched this at those aged 50 and over is that this age range is a specific ‘target’ age range for the ‘Legacy plan’ following on from the Olympics, but she is also keen to hear from other paddlers interested in this session.

Please send your replies to barbara@optrak.com – the more replies she has, the more persuasive her case could be!

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