The Allenburys Adventure Series presents this fascinating story of circumnavigating the British Isles by Sea Kayak that is not to be…
A new research project by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) and the British Canoe Union (BCU) is exploring sea kayakers’…
Seapoint Canoe Centre will be hosting a weekend of sea kayaking instruction in May 2013, led by coaches Howard Jeffs, Rob…
This Coastal Navigation & Tidal Planning course is designed to give sea kayakers the ability to plan and navigate effectively on coastal…
Dr Martin Lee – a Rheumatology Consultant from Bath – set off from the Ahoy Centre in Deptford on 1st April…
STOP PRESS 02/07/12 – Congratulations to Zak Bond, Noel Woodrow and Jerry Walker who are the lucky winners of this competition. Watch…